With more than 4.5 million bites occurring every year across the country, dog bite liability laws are of huge concern, for both the owners and the victims of attacks. In Philadelphia, the dog bite negligence regulations cover a myriad of things, in order to ensure that victims receive ample coverage […]
Dog Bite Lawyers
Dog Bite Prevention: What You Can Do
Knowing basic dog bite prevention tips is essential, whether you have your own family pet or not. Nearly half of all American families own a dog, and canine attacks are reported more than 4.5 million times every year. Roughly half of us will be bitten at least once, so there’s […]
Dog Bite Attorney: When Do I Need One?
If you’re wondering if you need a dog bite attorney, the short answer is that you probably do, or that you could benefit from having a consultation with one at the very least. There are more than 4.5 million attacks reported in the US every year, and an unknown number […]
Types of Dog Bite Claims
If you’ve been attacked by a dog, there are various types of dog bite claims that you may file in Philadelphia. These incidents are filed as dog bite personal injury claims, though they are subject to different laws than traditional personal injury claims are. The state of Pennsylvania specifically structured […]
If a Dog Bites a Child, What Happens?
If a dog bites a child, what happens in the moments after the attack is crucial in determining how well the child heals and copes with it in the aftermath. Children bitten by dogs visit emergency rooms with alarming frequency in the United States. The number of kids seeking medical […]
Is a Dog Bite Lawyer Needed for Filing a Dog Bite Claim?
The decision to file a dog bite claim or hire a dog bite lawyer is never an easy one, but it’s a reality millions of people face in the United States every year. Although most injuries are minor, dogs can do serious damage. From the tiniest Pomeranian to the toughest […]
Dog Bite Lawyer: Do I Need One?
Deciding when to retain a dog bite lawyer can be a difficult choice, especially if you are on friendly terms with the animal’s owner. There are more than 4.5 million attacks in the United States each year, and the victim is familiar with the animal in the majority of cases. […]
Bitten By a Dog?
“I got bitten by a dog,” is said all too often in the United States. The words are uttered at least 4.5 million times every 12 months, and there’s about a 50% chance a person will say it at some point during their lifetime. Though the prevalence may make it […]
What to Do if Bitten by a Dog: Step by Step Guide
Determining what to do if bitten by a dog can feel overwhelming, especially if you or your child was seriously injured. However, if a dog has bitten you, there are some simple steps you can take to help improve your recovery and ensure that you are not burdened with bills […]
Top Dog Bite Lawyers in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
If you’re looking for the top dog bite lawyers in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, you’ve come to the right place. Choosing an attorney for dog bites is never an easy thing to do, but when you’ve been hurt by someone else’s pet, they do have a legal obligation to make good on […]