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Can You Sue for a Dog Bite?

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If you’re looking for the answer to: “Can you sue for a dog bite?” the short answer is: “Yes, you can.” In fact, more than 4.5 million bites are reported every year and about one-fifth of victims need medical treatment as a result. Children are especially prone to injuries, and […]

Dog Bite Injuries To Body Parts

dog bite injuries

Specific dog bite injuries to body parts are so common that numerous studies have documented their prevalence. There are more than 4.5 million reported attacks every year in the United States, though experts believe the number of actual attacks is much higher when accounting for those who do not seek […]

How to Prevent Dog Attacks

how to prevent dog attacks, preventing dog bites, how to prevent dog bites, prevent dog bites

Knowing how to prevent dog attacks is a primary factor in keeping you and your children safe. It’s estimated that there are somewhere between 70-80 million dogs owned across the United States, so even if you don’t own one, you are almost certain to come across one in your everyday […]

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